The 1st Wondon Witch turns Shawna The Demon into a genie and restricted her into a bottle. She hides the bottle at The Temple Of The Dragon together with her fiance.

Sir Guttric, The Possessed Knight, keeps fighting to liberate her from her bottle prison. Since, Shawna The Demon had made him immortal, the bottle was difficult to defend.


The 1st Witch Wondon and Sir Thomas the 1st of Wondon get support from the 1st King, who attacked The Possessed Knight form the East.


The 1st Witch of Wondon, together with her fiance, founds The Shire of Wondon, and starts building Wondon Castle. From here, the Lords of Wondon protects and guards The Tempel Of The Dragon.


Sir Tomas of Wondon is born


Sir William of Wondon is born


Lady Stefany of Wondon is born


Lady Stefany of Wondon marries Jonathan Reise and moves to Rooster Claw.


Jonathan Reise decides to found a Harbor at Rooster Claw to support Tower of Wondon.

Hugo and Bella Scott start building the inn, The Rooster Claw.


Sir William of Wondon marries Lady Marisa of Turain


Lady Stefani of Wondon is born


Sir Thomas of Wondon is born


Lady Stefani of Wondon marries David Smith.


Princess Rebecca visits Wondon.

Sir Thomas gets arrested for sleeping with Princess Rebecca at Witch Cottage and he gets arrested and brought to the dungeon of Kingston Casle.

Princess Rebecca marries Sir Thomas of Wondon at King's Castle at Kingston shire. Hence, she became Lady Rebecca of Wondon.


Lady Rebecca of Wondon arrives at Wondon.


Lady Stefani of Wondon was born.


Sir William of Wondon dies and Sir Thomas becomes lord of Wondon.


Lady Marisa of Turain and Wondon dies.


Sir William of Wondon was born.


Sir Robert of Malbrough makes a raid into the northan part of Wondon, and burns the Wondon Tower down.


Late Summer Sir Benjamin of Malbrough crosses the border at Rooster Claw into Wondon to conquer Wondon.

At The Rooster Claw it came to the first battle, where Roger Full, Jonathan Reise and Alexander Reise are killed where as Eliot Full flees across the swamp to the castle to inform Sir Thomas about the attack.

The Malbourghian loose a man and one gets wounded.

At the ruins of Wondon Tower, it came to a fight ones again, where Peter Noneman and Stive Noneman are killed.

One The Malbourghian man are wounded.

When Sir Thomas of Wondon recieves the news from Eliot Full, he orders his Stableman, Natan Meligan, to take his wife and own children, Nicolas and Christina, and Lady Rebecca and their children, Sir William and Lady Stefani down to the old Witch Cottage in the Deep Forest, and protect them.

Erly Autumn Sir Thomas of Wondon handles over the castle to his jewelers Flynn and Yvonne (Lezkowic) Flower, whilst Sir Thomas go to town to prepare to meet his enermy with Eliot Full.

Sir Thomas of Wondon orders an evacuation of Wondon Town before the battle begins:

Micheal and Julie Warren takes their son, Ricky, to Loggers Dell to hide at Julie's brother Frank Noneman.
Theresa (Reise) Owens and her children Frederic and Katie joins them at Logger's Dell.
Chelsey (Bowers) Noneman and her daughter in law Amanda Cadham together with her children Peter and Elissa seek refugie at Fank Noneman at Logger's Dell, too.

Boris and Tyra (Owens) Smith flee to the Lawrow Lake with their children, Monica and David.
Tom and Alicia Jacobs flee with their children Arcy and Debbie to Lawrow Lake too.
Ambra (Miller) Mareton and the children Sandy and Kenny flee to Lawrow Lake.

Linette (Olivio) Rowley flees to Templeton with her children, Jean and Fredy.
Emma Valdor gets the responsibility to take her siblings Keith and Ralph Valdor to Templeton, too.

Barney Keith Valdor is sick and his wife Merian (Hay) Valdor and their son Martin Valdor together with his wife Beth (Meligan) Valdor fortifies the sawmill to care of old Barney.

Christian and Rosalin (Wharton) Warren fortifies The Old Witch.

Rowan Frederic and Sherry (Noneman) Owens fortifies their home

Luke and Carol Jacobs fortifies their home

Jeremy and Ada (Scott) Mareton fortifies their farm.

Sir Thomas Rounds up troops for defence:

Edwin and Dominic Rowley prepare to fight at the Town Square. Likewise their son, Marty Rowley.
Bradley Owens, Eliot Full and Sir Thomas of Wondon join them at the Town Square.
Jacob Mareton, too.

At the Mareton's Farm it comes to a fight, where Jeremy and Ada Mareton are killed, but Jacob Mareton escapes to The Town Square.

The Malbourghian loose 2 men.

At The Town Square the Malbourghian comes under heavy fire from The Shoemaker, The Old Witch, the Owens' and The Grocer.

The Malbourghian loose 8 men to arrows.

Sir Thomas of Wondon, Edwin and Dominic Rowley are killed.

The Malbourghian loose 3 men to swords and 3 wounded.

Bradley Owens, Jacob Mareton and Marty Rowley get wounded and surrender.

Eliot Full gets wounded too, but manage to escape through the sawmill into the forest towards Guttric. In persuiding of him, the Malbourghians find the Valdor's and capture Martin and Beth Valdor, but Merian Valdor is left to stay looking after Old Barney Valdor.

2 Malbourghian men get wounded.

The Malbourghians storms the houses at the Square and kill Christian Warren, Rowan and Sherry Owens, Luke and Carol Jacobs. Rosalin Warren they take prisoner.

2 Malbourghian men get wounded.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh behead the body of Sir Thomas to take with him, and head towards the castle. Here, they kills Flynn Flower and take Yvonne Flower prisoner.

One Malbourghian men get wounded and one gets killed.

When Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh had taken the castle, he hung up the head of Sir Thomas over the gate and places the prisoners, Bradley Owens, Jacob Mareton and Marty Rowley, Martin and Beth Valdor, Yvonne Flower and Rosalin Warren in the dungeon.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh didn't find Lady Rebecca and Sir William of Wondon at the castle, and he knows the victory is not at grasp as long as they are alive.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh sends his 9 wounded men and Rosalin Warren to The Old Witch to guard Rosalin Warren, to to look out for Lady Rebecca and Sir William. He also sends Martin and Beth Valdor to hide the deads at Wondon Town away.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh tortours Yvonne Flower to make her talk and tell, where Lady Rebecca and Sir William of Wondon are.

Autumn Equinox Micheal and Julie Warren takes their son, Ricky, Theresa (Reise) Owens and her children Frederic and Katie, Chelsey (Bowers) Noneman and her daughter in law Amanda Cadham together with her children Peter and Elissa arrives at Logger's Dell.

They realize, they are to many to hide at Logger's Dell, so Chelsey (Bowers) Noneman and her daughter in law Amanda Cadham Noneman together with her children Peter and Elissa continue to Filly Point to stay.

At Filly Point, Eric Spencer and Elissa Noneman becomes playmaids.

Boris and Tyra (Owens) Smith with their children, Monica and David, Tom and Alicia Jacobs flee with their children Arcy and Debbie, Ambra (Miller) Mareton and the children Sandy and Kenny arrives at Lawrow Lake to stay at The White Cat,

Monica Smith and Debbie Jacobs are thrilled by Gavin Hermanson, the son of Raoul and Moira (Noneman) Hermanson. Monica Smith is playing with Alexander Johnson and Sarah Chadwick, too. Calvin Bowers and Rusell Cadham have eyes for Monica and Debbie.

Arcy Jacobs and Ruth Kohnson becomes peers. They are also together with Kate Cadham, Rosalie Pastor, and Rachel Fish and Sarah Chadwick. They are fighting over Gils Hay, Sam Ewan Pastor, Gary Fish and Harold Chadwick.

Linette (Olivio) Rowley and her children, Jean and Fredy, Emma Valdor and her siblings Keith and Ralph Valdor arrive at Templeton to check in at the Lamp.

Keith Valdor, Ken Jacobs and Oscar Wharton becomes peers abd are chasing Carol Brant.

Kitty Locker and Ralph Valdor becomes playmaids.

Laura Webber out hunting finds Eliot Full at the forest and bring him to safty at Millowere.

Late Autumn To find Lady Rebecca and Sir William of Wondon, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh starts tortouring Rosalin Warren, who eventually breaks down and tells her family are at Logger's Dell. Then Sir Benjamin kills her.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh rushes to the castle to get some men and Martin and Beth Valdor to guide them to Logger's Dell.

Sir Benjamin threatens Martin Valdor to kill Beth Valdor, if he don't guides Sir Robert to Logger's Dell.

Martin Valdor takes Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh to Logger's Dell. Here, Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh finds Lady Rebecca of Wondon and kills her, but he's killed himself too. Likewise. Sir William of Wondon gets wounded at the same incident.

Early Winter Chelsey (Bowers) Noneman and her daughter in law Amanda Cadham together with her children Peter and Elissa arrive at Filly Point

Kenneth Webber arrives from Mulloware to tell, Eliot Full is there with his sister. He are immediately send off to Lawrow Lake to fech some help for Sir William.

At Filly Point, Eric Spencer and Elissa Noneman are happy to find playmades in Frederic Owens, Ricky Warren.

At The Temple Ruin the body of Lady Rebecca of Wondon is placed in a vault under the Temple Ruin.

The body of Sir Benjamin is taken to Grossbourgh Casle, where his son, Sir Robert residents at that time. As soon as he hear about the death of his father, Sir Robert rounds up his men and wents to Wondon Castle with the intention of searching for Sir William to kill him too.

At arrival at Wondon Casle he finds, to he satisfaction, the loyal men of his father have hold on to Rooster Claw, Wondon Tower, Town and Casle.

At Wondon Tower, there is nobody alive and at Wondon Town the only civilian resident left is Merian (Hay) Valdor, now morning over the death of Barney Keith Valdor. Apart from her, there are 11 wounded troops at The Old Witch.

At dungeon of the castle he finds Bradley Owens, Jacob Mareton and Marty Rowley.

The remaining men of his father reports, Lady Rebecca persumeble dead at Logger's Dell, and Sir William is seen wounded there too. Sir Robert sends some men to Logger's Dell to look for Lady Rebecca and Sir William and if nessersary kill them.

They also repports, it was probably Sir William, who killed Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, and he have Bradley Owens taken from the dungeon to write a song about the death of his father.

Kenneth Webber arrives at Lawrow Lake,

He rounds up a force of Raoul Hermanson, Andrew Johnson, Lewis Bowers, Simon Cadham, Randolph Giles and Neil Hay, Tim Chadwick, Sam Pastor and Noel Fish.

Martin Valdor arrives at Filly Point.

Beth Valdor, Hannah (Lamp) Noneman and Dawn (Brant) Noneman with her son Frank Noneman arrive at Templeton, and Beth Valdor finds her children doing well. She'll keep Ralph Valdor with her at The Lamp, but she'll ask Keith Valdor to find some men, and take them to his sister at the Temple Ruin to support Sir William.

Carol Brant wants to go with her, and kisses Keith Valdor, where as Ken Jacobs and Oscar Wharton are told to stay put at Templeton. Jerry Wharton, Rowan Brant, Casper Locker and Rowena Furlow are going with Keith Valdor to The Temple Ruin.

Christmas Keith Valdor arrives at The Temple Ruin with Carol Brant, Jerry Wharton, Rowan Brant, Casper Locker and Rowena Furlow.

The King and his army arrive at Wondon Town.

The 16th King is accompanied by The Motherqueen Beatrice, Princess Donna and her nanny Hadi Dolnowack. His troops are Rowan Hamre, Nayland Potter and Phil Gibbon from Kingston and Xylvezter Konzack and Ziggie Jadwaga from Chetzer and the Envoy Natan Meligan from Wondon.

The King finds Sir Robert of Malbourgh at The Old Witch surrounded by his 9 wounded men, waiting for news from his men at Logger's Dell. He explains, Sir Thomas of Wondon and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh have killed each other and now he is looking for Lady Rebecca and Sir William of Wondon. He have send out scouts to the southern Wondon to find them and is waiting for the scouts report.

He claims Malbourgh and Lewinton Shire, and in case Sir William of Wondon is dead too, he'll claim Wondon Shire, too.

The 16th King gets very anixous for his sister, Lady Rebecca of Wondon, amd ask Sir Robert's men to wait for the scouts here, and he shall take the king to the castle. where he will wait.

At arrival of the castle, the 16th King gets very mad, when he sees the head of Sir Thomas of Wondon over the castle gate. He arrest Sir Robert immediately and sets the rest of his men at the castle in the dungeon. When the kings men try to put the men of Sir Robert in the dungeon, they find Jacob Mareton and Marty Rowley in the dungeon. At the estaterooms they find Bradley Owens, too.

When The 16th King hears, what they have to say, the king gets furious and sends some men to arrest the rest of the men at The Old Witch and send them to the dungeon.

The 16th King then asks Natan Meligan, if he can find Lady Rebecca and Sir William for him, Natan thinks he can. Next morning, Natan Meligan and Bradley Owens went to the forest to find them.

At Logger's Dell, Natan Meligan and Bradley Owens are ambuched by the men of Sir Robert surveiling Logger's Dell.

An arrow hit the men of Sir Robert and they got attacked by Lady Stefani of Wondon and her men, Emma Valdor, Herry Furlow, Steve Noneman, Keith Valdor and his girlfrient, Carol Brant, Jerry Wharton, Rowan Brant, Casper Locker and Rowena Furlow.

The men of Sir Robert of Malbourgh try to escape but run strait into the suporting troops,Martin Valdor, Kenneth Webber, Raoul Hermanson, Andrew Johnson, Lewis Bowers, Simon Cadham, Randolph Giles and Neil Hay, Tim Chadwick, Sam Pastor and Noel Fish, whom have come for the rally of Sir William at Logger's Dell.

The men of Sir Robert of Malbourgh surrender.

Sir Robert declares, he has no part in the killing of Sir Thomas and Lady Rebecca and makes a claim for the killing of his father, Sir Benjamin. The King appoints Sir Robert to succeed his father as lord of Malbrough and Lewinton. Wondon, he gives to Sir William.

Christmas Sir John Fern arrives at Wondon.


Wondon are ruled by The 16th King until he had to return to his castle and he handle over the rule of Wondon to Sir William.

Late Winter the 16th King thinks Wondon needs a new carpenter and sends Dave O'Connor home to Kingston to get a new carpenter.

Dianna Gullet protests over this decition for no use.

Spring Equinox Chris Barrington arrives.

Princess Donna liked to stay on at Wondon at her cousins, which she's allowed to do.


Tensions between Princess Donna and her cousins had been building up, and Princess Donna decides to go home.


Lady Stefani marries Philip Arden.


Witchy Vicky marry Sir William of Wondon


Spring Equinox Oliver Spencer establish a ferry between Witchbridge, Wondon Shire, and the quarry at Bridgewater, Guttric Shire.

Late Spring The Roster Claw are attacked by troops from Grossbourgh Shire and Nigel Scott are killed.

Early Summer The Witchbridge are finished.