The 1st Wondon Witch turns Shawna The Demon into a genie and restricted her into a bottle. She hides the bottle at The Temple Of The Dragon together with her fiance.

Sir Guttric, The Possessed Knight, keeps fighting to liberate her from her bottle prison. Since, Shawna The Demon had made him immortal, the bottle was difficult to defend.


The 1st Witch Wondon and Sir Thomas the 1st of Wondon get support from the 1st King, who attacked The Possessed Knight form the East.


Feeling the weakness of The Possessed Knight the Chetzers start an uprise against him.

The 1st King offers the Chetzers, they could have their own shire at the Chetzer Montains if they support him, and the Witch of Wondon.

The Chetzers became loyal to the king, but refuse to fight outside the Chetzer Montains.


The 1st King finally captures The Possessed Knight, and he decides, The Possessed Knight should be locked away at The Temple Of The Dragon togter with the bottle of Shawna The Demon, and he proclaim that The Wondon Witch and her fiance should guard the Temple for ever.


The Fern family starts restoring the castle of Sir Guttric, The Possessed Knight, and founded Guttric Shire.


Sir Benjamin becomes lord of Lewinton by marriage with Lady Cathry of Lewinton


Lewinton and Malbourgh Shire are joined when Sir Patric of Malbourgh dies.


Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh makes a surprise attack on Grossbourgh at Wity Marsh. That lures the army of Grossbourgh to go to Whorton.

Meanwhile, Sir Robert of Lewinton leads a raid form the mountains of Lewinton at Grossbourgh Castle, where he kills Sir Geoffrey Heaton of Grossbourgh and his son, Sir Leonard Heaton.

The 15th Prince and Princess Queen Beatrice Lady of Chetzer with The 16th Prince and Princess Denice Heaton Lady of Grossbourgh arrives and cease the hostilities between the parties.

Before The 15th Prince can finish the negosiations, The 14th King dies, and The 15th Prince have to return to Kingston Castle to be crowned as King.


The 15th Prince decides Sir Robert of Lewinton can stay as govenor of Grossbourgh and rule on behaf of the underageed Lady Fraya Heaton of Grossbourgh, but must stay in captivity at the Castle of Grossbourgh.


There is a flood in Turain, where many people died.


The 15th King dies and are followed by The 16th King


Late Summer Sir Benjamin of Malbrough crosses the border at Rooster Claw into Wondon to conquer Wondon.

Erly Autumn Sir Benjamin of Malbrough kills Sir Thomas of Wondon and conquer The Casle of Wondon and starts searching for Lady Rebecca and the children.

Before The 16th King had arrived, Sir Benjamin was killed in front of the Witch Cottage.

Sir William becomes Lord succeeding his father, when he was killed by Sir Benjamin of Malbrough at Wondon Castle.

Sir Robert of Malbrough becomes Lord of Malbrough, Lewinton and Grossbourgh Shires when Sir Benjamin of Malbrough was killed.